File Sharing | scloud

Powerful File Sharing

Updated March 28th, 2024 • By sCloud

Get started with the sCloud API, read the documentation this way.

FREE File sharing

File sharing on sCloud is as easy as ever with our powerful file sharing feature you can easily distribute any file to anyone around the world instantly with no restrictions on file sizes, whether it be music files, video files, youtube videos, encrypted data or precious files, you name it you can share it.

Setup file sharing from with in your account, configure each file with security features, with password restricted access or allow public or private access, with slick url's and view tracking. Optional Monetization available on distributed files to help maximize your revenue potential.

Developers can also get started with our official API documentation, using our powerful endpoints developers can easily create powerful app/services that integrate in to sClouds infrastructure, utilizing powerful cloud endpoints.


Monetization available to help get maximum revenue from your distributed files.
1. Sign in or create an account
2. Add the files you want to share
3. Setup your payout information
4. Receive funds from your sold files.


Collaborate with your work team and edit files on the go.

Public API

We are getting ready to release an official API , you can find out more information about the sCloud API here

What are you waiting for? download now